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Technological Cinevideo Services (TCS)


The Customer

TCS rents motion picture cameras, lenses and accessories to cinematographers and camera crews and provides technological and consultative support to the motion picture and television industry.

The Challenge

TCS relies on customers who walk into their offices to physically examine and rent/buy or have serviced film equipment. To open for business, they needed to be able to screen and vet staff and visitors in a documented, state-compliant method that was also easy to implement, maintain and require from their customers.

The Solution

CLEARED4 absolutely allowed TCS to open once again for business. Staff was able to come back to the office to service phone and walk in customers with confidence that everyone is healthy.


“I heard that filling out a health questionnaire is a better determinant than taking temperatures as an indicator of COVID but both are fine with CLEARED4 since it is so easy to use.” 

Erik S.

The Benefits

TCS is able to offer peace of mind to their staff and customers when they complete self assessments with the CLEARED4 platform. Because CLEARED4 is web-based, with no need to download an app, user compliance is much higher. The platform’s automation also removes the tedious burden of spreadsheets, chasing down people who have not answered the self-assessment for the day.

CLEARED4 keeps Covid on the forefront of everyone’s mind and prevents complacency as time goes on.”

Bryan R.


Customer Success Stories

Let us show you what CLEARED4 can do for your company by checking out our customers success stories.

Video Recording

Read how one of the first film production companies restarted shooting safely during CV-19 with



Modern Living Room

Furnished Quarters instituted safety protocols for their guests and staff by partnering with CLEARED4. Learn more about their efforts to stay ahead of the curve.


Learn how a luxury Fifth Avenue retailer opened for business in a busy shopping district safely and in compliance with federal and local laws and regulations. 


Protect Your Companies Health and Reputation by Keeping Your Staff, Vendors, and Visitors Safe.

CLEARED4 is the leading technology in keeping offices open through health and safety compliance. Our tools allow team members to see who is where and when, in real-time. 

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