On Thursday, Oct. 29, Manhasset Public Schools hosted a community discussion via Zoom to address questions and concerns surrounding COVID-19. The discussion involved more than one dozen parent physicians and the district’s 11 school nurses. Listen to the discussion here.
The primary focus of the discussion was to share ways the district is mitigating the spread of COVID-19 in its buildings. Executive Director of District Special Education Programs and Pupil Personnel Services Allison Rushforth led a presentation that provided an overview of the district’s protocols surrounding attendance and when students should stay home from school. The presentation also shared the measures the district has in place including the implementation of the Cleared4Class daily health attestation, personal protective equipment, social distancing in the classroom, extra cleaning efforts, and three-sided desk shields.
Parent physicians were given the opportunity to address common topics such as mitigation, transmission, contact tracing, symptoms, and testing. They have been working with the district since August, participating in task force meetings with the focus of keeping students in school. The group represents many fields of medicine including pediatricians, pediatric pulmonologists, gastroenterology specialists, pediatric hepatology and internal medicine doctors.
During the virtual discussion, the panel of parent physicians answered questions, helping to educate the school community on what can still be done to mitigate the impact of the virus in Manhasset school buildings.
“Educating our students, while keeping our students, faculty, and staff safe during an ongoing health pandemic, is a significant challenge and I am incredibly grateful for Ms. Rushforth, our school nurses, and the physicians within our medical community who have dedicated their time in assisting our district,” said Dr. Vincent Butera, Superintendent of Schools. “We are blessed to have such expertise supporting our efforts.”
We hope you will find some of the material in this discussion useful to help your school and community stay open and stay safe. Dr Soumi Eachempati, co-founder & CEO: CLEARED4